To keep things fresh on SYB we like to get skaters involved from all across Scotland, and even further afield so our latest product review comes from SYB 'Foreign soils correspondent' - Rob Salmon, who is a shralper that also takes
proper sick photo's the proper way..
in film! I suggest you check out some of his photo's here:
Rob's Flickr.So here is what Rob had to say about the always individual but sick skate company - Krooked and their latest DVD....So Krookeds new dvd is here. With footage from the whole team, even plenty of the Gonz. The videos a little different from your average video. With it obviously being 3D. And the way it’s editied into sections of Cities and a park section. The emphasis is pretty much on cruising the city, with plenty of doubles, triples etc kind of shit going on. There’s even footage from Carroll, Rick Howard and Dill to name a few. Bobby Worrest also does some tricks over a Bum in SF. There’s s quick tranny section in there with Lance Mountain skating the Pink Motel pool. Some vert footage, and Hosoi skating the Vans combi bowl. After this there’s the Cementally Hard3d section. With Drehobl and some of the team skating some concrete parks and a jersey barrier. My favourite section has to be the LA section with Carroll, Dill and others just cruising downtown LA skating whatever they come across.
Overall it’s a pretty good dvd with loads of skating from the full Krooked team and a whole host of other skaters. The only thing I would say is that the 3D kind of ruins the main video. It would have been so much better just shot on normal DV. But it is cool that they’ve tried to do something a little different. The actual video comes in at about half an hour long. So it’s not too long to watch before you go out for a skate. There’s also a 2D section with second angles of pretty much everything that’s in the main 3D feature. And also some extras including a Van Wastell section. The box comes covered in the Gonz’s scribblings. With two pairs of 3D glasses and a little booklet with loads of random 3D shit inside. And the occasional 3D photo.